Friday 30 April 2010


This Group is dedicated to the Way of the Spartan Warrior!!!



Sparta, an ancient Greek city-state, was all about war. Male citizens had one duty and goal in life--to fight and die for Sparta--while the women were born to breed more Spartan men who d become soldiers. Sparta had no art, literature or architecture and little emphasis on exploration and commerce. Instead, the society was focused on developing its warriors. Sickly babies were abandoned and left to die, while healthy boys began military and athletic training at age 7, becoming wards of the state. The brutal training programs were intended to develop physical strength, military prowess, communal bonds, discipline and obedience. The boys wore no clothes and food was deliberately rationed so they were forced to steal more. Those who were discovered stealing were severely punished, not for stealing itself, but for getting caught. Soldiers lived together in barracks until age 30, even if they were married.

Spartans believed power came from the group, not the individual. Armed with spears, pikes and shields, Spartan warriors fought in a rectangular, mass formation called a phalanx (derived from the Greek phalangos, for finger). Composed of tight lines of soldiers often eight deep, the phalanx was designed to push forward until the enemy line was broken then maintain a solid front after opposing sides collided.

• A popular dinner of Spartan warriors was melas zomos, or black soup, made from boiled pigs' blood, pork and vinegar.

• Some Spartans wore helmets with a horsehair crest, which served both a decorative and psychological purpose, making the soldier seem taller to his enemy.

• Spartans were able to focus on being warriors because they had slaves called helots who farmed and took care of everyday tasks. The Spartans maintained control over the helots though fear tactics, including random executions.

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This Group is dedicated to the Way of the Spartan Warrior!!!



Sparta, an ancient Greek city-state, was all about war. Male citizens had one duty and goal in life--to fight and die for Sparta--while the women were born to breed more Spartan men who d become soldiers. Sparta had no art, literature or architecture and little emphasis on exploration and commerce. Instead, the society was focused on developing its warriors....!/group.php?gid=21878035700&ref=ts

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